Sold 2 legacy accounts + progress accounts

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by /u/cikaxx123, 10/19/24.

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  1. /u/cikaxx123

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    1) 900 hours, L1 achievement, old adepts for jake,meg,claud ( possible for modding since last launch before july 2022 )

    2) steam, oge mail known, inactive 2.5 years, game banned in cs2

    3) 100usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 400 hours, L1 achievement, ( possible for modding since last launch before july 2022 )

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 7 years

    3) 120usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 1600 hours,

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 1 year

    3) 20usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 700 hours,

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 1 year, community banned + vac in cs2 ( access by stranger )

    3) 5usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 1200 hours,

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 2 years, community banned ( carding )

    3) 30usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 1600 hours,

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 1 year, account has also elden ring, 50k steam points

    3) 30usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 3500 hours,

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 5 months

    3) 50usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    1) 4700 hours, (p100 ice blight and other stuff)

    2) steam, no oge, inactive 3 days (purchased from sus seller, idk if safe)

    3) 30usd (accepting crypto, cs/tf2 skins, revolut, paypal)

    Contact me on discord:

    Lucy Wylde#0175

    # #/cikaxx123
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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