Level 2 Fiverr Account For Sale The services offered are in the digital marketing niche - b2b linkedin lead generation, google my business leads, Google-maps scraping, etc. Account Details: Gig category: Data Scraping, Business, Sales Lead Generation Member since Jul 2017 116+ orders completed 73+ *Fivestar *Reviews $3,890+ lifetime earnings Active Gig-3, (2 are in first page search result) Reason for selling I am selling this project because I am no longer interested in working on this project and hope someone else finds it more interesting than I do. Slightly Fixed- $450 but Open For BIDDING For More Details Contact Me: Whatsapp +8801639-552338 Telegram: @mahmudulnbn Skype: skylark.nobin E-mail: [email protected] Do not waste my time if you are not serious!