Selling Runescape Gold And Rares!

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Hello Runescapers, For Sale is Runescape Gold and Rares. Here at RSKingdom_2012 we supply Gold and Rares for a cheap price and do so veryquickly! We currently have over 4 Billion RSGP in stock so we can cater to almost any needs! Rates: $1.00/1M $9.50/10M $92.50/100M 100M + Please contact us for rates. ITEMS: Please contact us for rates. Shipping willtake place as fast as possible! ? While our employees are online, our shipping will be almost instantaneous ? We suggest you message us before purchasing any gold or items to verify we are currently online and in stock. Looking for a bulk order? Let us know and we will try to serve you for the cheapest that we can do so! Looking for specific items? Let us know what items you are looking for and how much you are willing to spend onthem and we will let you know what we can do! Purchase with confidence! We are highly trusted in various online MMORPG communities ? feel free to message us looking for some vouches! Payment: We Accept payment via paypal (must be verified), moneybookers (preferred - ask about our moneybookers #!), western union and direct bank transfer. ** Please note that we will not trade first due to an extremely high volume of scammers on MMORPG forums lately. ** Thank you for yourinterest ? please feel free message on this forum at any time or PM us and wewill get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks, RSKindgom_2012
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