Image to full box: http://res../.-llc...fxcdt4wl8y.jpg http://res../.-llc...2tqgmj5x6e.jpg http://res../.-llc...n7a6tgl99c.jpg see list below if you don't wanna open box. Autobuy is 140$. We would use a middleman if requested. Lv41, farming daily Light variant arthur water nightmare fire valkyrie wood valkyrie x2 wood perse x2 wood arthur wood odin (all gleemed except repeats at the moment) + no longer obtainable/rares: dark jack o lyn dark kraken Fire granitus water molluspike Water gatito water jill frost + desirable nat4: fire wildfang (evo2) wood leo (almost evo2) light rocky (almost evo2) dark miho (evo3) light victoria (almost evo3)