Sold How to get past automatic ban

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Myaltcausemymainhasmyname, 12/29/16.

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  1. Myaltcausemymainhasmyname

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    So, a little information first. I've played warframe legit the entire 3 years i've had an account and bought platinum on occasion. Well recently I logged into my alt and instantly got 75% off of platinum. So I bought 4,300 with the intention of trading it to my main. But as far as I've read they have a system in place to automatically ban any 2 accounts with the same IP that log-on at the same time. I've read about some people saying to use a VPN on one computer and not the other. But does not VPN just mask the router? I suppose my question is. How to get past the automatic ban system in place preventing 2 accounts from the same IP to trade with eachother. (I know I could give it to a friend then back to my main, But I have trouble trusting even my closest friends with that)
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