Wtt: Wtt Wow Eu 4 90S For Runescape Eoc Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    EU--------------------------------------EU hello i want to trade my decent geard fury warrior night elf male on bronze dragonflight and my 90 human male deathknight on bronze dragonflight not very good geard has starter pvp gear my 90 human male priest decently geard on the same realm as previous and my 90 human male paladin on bronze dragonflight the account has about 5k gold also has a 52 warlock in full hierloom gear the account has a few rare mounts nothing special about 18 titles im the orignal owner ive just put a month credit on the account aswell also comes with starcraft 2 on the b account open to offers of gold i need it on the evolution of combat servers add me on : rostofross EU ------------------------------------ EU
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