[Release] ReportBot & CommendBot

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trol553, 12/29/16.

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  1. Trol553

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    ReportBot and Commend Bot

    How to setup ReportBot
    1. We firstly download the zip
    2. There is folder called reportbot and we will just extract this folder to desktop.
    3. We install node-v6.9.2-x64 from ZIP
    4. Then we will simply turn on "Node.js command prompt"
    5. We type cd desktop
    6. We type cd reportbot
    7. We type npm install
    8. We type npm start
    9. It will ask you what SteamID64 will be reported.

    How to setup CommendBot
    1. We firstly download the zip
    2. There is folder called commendbot and we will just extract this folder to desktop.
    3. We install node-v6.9.2-x64 from ZIP
    4. Then we will simply turn on "Node.js command prompt"
    5. We type cd desktop
    6. We type cd commendbot
    7. We type npm install
    8. We type npm start
    9. It will ask you what SteamID64 will be commended.

    Other important informations
    For precisely working ReportBot you need 11 CS:GO Accounts.
    Steam guard must be off on all steams you use for CommendBot or ReportBot.

    You can ReportBot with one account once per 6 Hours.
    You can CommendBot with one account once per 12Hours.

    CS:GO Accounts can not be VAC-Banned or Overwatched banned.
    Accounts can be locked.

    We add account to ReportBot or CommendBot by editing file accounts.txt and we use form :

    Put SteamID64 when commendbot or reportbot will ask you. Not name.

    So that means that :



    I do not take credits. All credits to creator frk1


    Downloadable Files
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