Sold Trading Wtt tm ely acc for similar geared tm asmo acc

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Siborninja, 12/29/16.

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  1. Siborninja

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    Has 7 toons all 66+ main is a Assassin. Mythic rank 1 dagger +17 Attk/crit comp and +15 mythic bm sword attk/crit-ma full +12/13 mythic BM armour except no pvp chest, currently using DD chest, but enough blood medals and almost enough blood marks for chest, the armour has no comp just strait attk 5 and ancient attk, apart from helm and belt (ORB and Discordant) everything is mythic IDL accs +5 with 1 +4 ring, has a attk/crit pureplume +5 1mil ap rank 1.
    I want to trade this for a Similar geared TM ASMO ACC Pref a Ranger or Templar or Assassin if it is better geared I can also trade another account, a 1* SW almost 2* in full 2* gear with 2 +15 harps, Eb/2* combine and Is/Discordant combine, full mb 27/ mr comps armour is only +5, has a 65 cleric aswell.
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