[400+ Vouches][Fastest] Tiemen's Gold Selling Shop From 0.55$/m [Paypal/pa/mb/mail]

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Currently selling: 3000M+ I'm new to this website but i'am highly trusted on sythe - my vouches here [Only registered users can see links and emails. ] - Prices: 5-19M: .75$/m paypal 20-49M: .7$/m paypal or .75$/m-.8/m [WU/MB/PP] 50-199M: .68$/m paypal or .7$/m [WU/MB/PP] 200-499M: .65$/m [WU/MB/PP] 500-999M: .6$/m [WU/MB/PP] 1B+: .55$/m [WU/MB/PP] MAIL: 50euro/100m MONEYBOOKERS: .60$/m MY ONLY : [Only registered users can see links and emails. ] Feel free to add my /PM me. Note: I wont take direct paypal from everybody! New to ? Its easy to use and i can help you incase of a problem! They accept paypal (for most people) and I pay all fees. Avarage PA delivery time: 17 seconds! => FASTEST Order form: Gold wanted: Preferred payment method (PP/PA/MB/MAIL): Do you agree to go first or to use PA? : :
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