I've been playing for just over 600 days, rank 490 account, 450k mp in the account, and never sold a single MP card, 11 best friends and 24 stones and counting. Account has following teams and more: Hypermaxed Myr team - subs ADQXQ, Kanna, WK, DQ, Saria, Venus Hypermaxed Krishna team - Sanada, Yamato, Ares, ACC, Tsubaki, Scarlet, Chiyome, Minerva, Hino, Shiva Revo Minerva Team ALB - 3 max skilled dios + bicolor and tricolor board changes, 2 max skilled tengus Luxury Goemon button team 3 RED ODINS + VRITRA, capable of buttoning most buttonable dungeons including sttd capable of clearing every end game dungeon, has mzeus and mhera on account 40 + GFEs on account Account has around 75% of all pantheon gods so you can build whatever team you like, and has over a hundred mail containg pys and jewels. All the quest dungeons rewards are there for easy access to whatever dungeon you need to upgrade the team. Looking for 150 - #.