18 plus year old Kingdom of Loathing account looking for a new user. Over 75 Item of the Months associated with this account, mostly unbound. Includes a clan with VIP lounge with pool table (bound) and fireworks factory (unbound). I haven't played seriously for years except during Crimbo and haven't been ascending only leveling when in did play. Included the majority of the last 2 or 3 years of IotMs as well as multiple older ones from over the years. Have stocking mimic, sand worm, Astral badger, red nose snapper, squamous gibber (amongst other) IotM familiars in my terrium. Several tomes and librams on my bookshelf and several not read yet (unbound). Below are several screen shots of IotMs in my collection collection and my library. Seeking to have someone who plays and has time to enjoy this account more than I do. ACH]