Sold [WTS] Selling 75k NX 125m per 25k and Buying Gold $25/100m East

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Heathrig, 12/28/16.

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  1. Heathrig

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    Hello everyone, I am looking to sell 75k NX at 125m / 25k. I have 3 25k cards (Seen in the pictures below). I play on the eastern server and, since I am new to the site and don't have any vouches yet, a middle man would most likely need to be used instead of a "You go first" war.

    I am also looking to buy gold at around $25 / 100m if possible, however that is #.

    Add me on skype, my username is Suigiste
    (This thread was recreated to include clarification of trading terms and proof of purchase of Karma Koin Cards via timestamp on receipt)

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    #1 Heathrig, 12/28/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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