Sold Selling USPC Villain 271 SP

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BurningEmblem, 12/28/16.

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  1. BurningEmblem

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    Main - Villain, Gadgets, 271 sp (superspeed), three armories, 188 dps cr, 187 troll cr, 100 pvp cr
    126 inventory slots
    84 bank slots
    2 iconic names (not revealing, unless serious about buying the account)
    All blue aura variations on main toon, few other auras as well, alts also have a variety of auras but no OG auras on any characters.
    8 mill total in game cash, spread around all of my alts.
    1 Mental hero alt (superspeed), 225 sp, 140 cr (dps only), no pvp gear
    1 Sorc villain alt (flight), 265 sP, 186 cr (two armories), 185 healer, 183 dps, 100 pvp cr with some Marksman gear
    1 Earth villain alt (flight), 266 sp, 186 cr (two armories), 186 dps, 177 tank, 67 pvp cr
    1 Nature villain alt (skimming), 267 sp, 188 cr (two armories), 188 healer, 184 dps, 97 pvp cr
    1 munitions villain alt (flight), 225 sp, 159 cr (dps only), no pvp gear
    1 mental villain alt (skimming), 266 sp, 186 cr (two armories), 185 dps, 177 troll, no pvp gear
    1 atomic villain alt (flight), 265 sp, 186 cr (dps only) has some tank pieces but no tank armory, no pvp gear
    1 ice villain alt (superspeed), 265 sp, 186 cr (two armories), 186 dps, 179 tank, 99 pvp cr

    Email me if interested, not taking under $300.
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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