Selling Please help . I was cheated by MM

Discussion in 'Avabel Lupinus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by teetub2, 12/8/16.

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  1. teetub2

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    Anyone know "Jzza11", "Aaadium" and "Derek" ?

    The story is
    I'm gold seller and I'm Thai so my English skill is not well ... but u guys hav to read it

    1. Deal with Jzza11
    I had deal with him and MM is Aaadium
    this deal is 110 M
    I paid to Aaadium cuz he said he gonna pay me back if buyer cheat.
    and and he give Jzza11 all gold before I got cash then I got cheated 1 st time.

    And MM banned Jzza11 and I got nothing

    2. Deal with Derek (Line : Maikol)
    I dont trust Aaadium so Derek offer me to use MM named "eater." ( I knew later that eater. is not MM)
    the deal is 220M . U guys can guess
    I got cheated again cuz eater is not really MM.

    Then I sue to Aaadium cuz he vouched that Derek is ok , dont worry cuz they had a deal

    I sent him evidence and pay him for 100M for fee to report Derek cuz I start to trust him.

    And they(Derek and eater) r banned

    3. Deal with Aaadium
    He said he have buyer in hand.
    Then he said buyer want 200M.. then I send money to him 235M (35M for tax)
    and still waiting for half day
    He still said he is at work and not log in .. DW cuz he never scam

    Then ... In the evening he said he got paid by Maikol(Derek) 300M to unbanned him and cheat me.

    so ... Where should I report ? here ? I'm sending to GM also
    Maybe sell gold in cash is prohibited but i'm sure if investigate Derek and Aaadium .. . gm will know how to do

    Anyone who have power to do sth please PM me
    I have all evidence.
    Chat or SS in game

    please help me

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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: teetub2 Re: #1[/trigger]
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  3. Tankno

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    Can confirm those guys are scammers. Fortunately I received my money back through the dispute system but what a waste of time. I heard the same dumb stories about not being about to log in because of work and a bunch of other stuff
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