Selling League of Angels II OVP Account, VIP11, TOP1, 94M BR, Lvl99 (See Details)

Discussion in 'League of Angels Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ParadisePT, 12/26/16.

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  1. ParadisePT

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    Hello everyone,

    I'm selling a very tempting account since I was very addicted to it. But due to some work changes, I have to stop playing this wonderful game. My account is almost VIP 12 - Spent more of 3k USD (Dollars)

    Powerful char of all 5 is Moira... with 42M BR. Yes i have all 5 mythic's, highest augment (+15)

    Account has:
    * ALL Mythic Set's (5 of 5)
    * ALL Mythic Relics (All)
    * Artifact Relics (Newest and the strongest ones) - Wheel of Fate
    * ALL Mounts - Yes, Mythic mounts too!
    * ALL Soul Arms
    * ALL Battle Pet's (except Candy Prince) - Most of them have all 3 evolution and the strongest of them all is my Azuruous!
    * Powerful dual Runes - lvl 9 and Normal ones too.
    * Anima Chapter's ALL COMPLETED (Animate level is 7 atm)
    * Mount Skill is R11
    * Lots of resources and huge advantage on my server (S600++)
    * This account in X-Server meanings... is in TOP 10 Strongest!

    If you have any related questions feel free to message me!
    I can provide more information and screenshots of my account.

    Bidding will start from 1000 USD (Dollars).

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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