Hey all. I want sell my castle on kingdom 548 This is all information about my castle Castle : prestige 4 Kingdom: 548 Nickname: byby Lord lvl 44 SVIP 6 almost SVIP7 Hero lvl 30 Dragon lvl 15 Power : 15.800.000 Barracks : all p3 Science power : 455.000++ Equip : -weapon gold lvl 40 -helmet gold lvl 40 (blue print ready to make 43 helmet -armor gold lvl 43 -pants lvl 25 bravery brown -bravery shoes lvl 25 brown -ring gold lvl 43 All tent p1 can make 2000++ troops just need 17 hours Dragon glass : 166k ++ Dragon word already got XVI Kill : 34m Item badge 4400 and much speed still have at inventory Need money so i sold it with cheaper price just 1500$ Payment: western union or paypal Im from indonesian For contact line : bybyhiu email: [email protected] Whatsapp: +6282116888982 Picture or another contact from wa thanks