Sold Selling Wts tera na account on mt

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hristo_smiley, 12/25/16.

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  1. hristo_smiley

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    GUNNER : +15 STARFALL EXCEPT BOOTS - they are slaughter +12 , yellow brooch and mid jewels
    the account has plenty of extensive alkahest and premium alkahest,mes,spellbind and etc.
    plenty of costumes,2 flying mounts,many other cool normal mounts.

    this is a verry old/veteran account uncluding 3 more 65 level char with low gear - warrior,brawler,reaper
    as you can imagine , with the gunner you can run every dungeon! - plenty of strenght!
    Many boost potions and etc. not to much gold in the account aldo.

    im looking for 175 usd - contact via email, [email protected] - be patient i log a few times per day on the email, the details about the deal we can discuss on skype but after sending an email
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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