Sold [Selling] 18k+ Sh, MAX Magic Find, expensive items

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by ebrithil765, 12/25/16.

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  1. ebrithil765

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    Hello I want to sell my account because I dont have so much time for play as the same like before

    Main class : Sh 18k+ (PD 103,5k , CH 100,3%, CD 1029,8)
    Next class : Ice Sage 16k+ ,
    And a 4 class 10k+
    all class above 20lv and 5k pr
    MAX Magic Find 1364 (without Patron) so with patron this is 2728.
    space of inventory 50 + 50 + 35 ( 3 more inventory expander to full)
    300 Mastery (around 32k exp)
    Draco - Ashen beast (around 270k flux)
    Chloro - Evergreen Evoker (around 200k flux)

    Items on account (WARNING! I am stll playing on this account so the ammount of this can be change but evrything what I get from this items will be still on this account)

    Flux 100k+
    Patron 30 days (around 640k flux)
    Titan Soul 440 (this from shadow tower) (around 440k flux)
    Arena Coins 70+ (around 560k flux)
    Dragon Coins 600 +
    Lesser dragon cache (tradeable) 140+(around 460k Flux)
    Chaos chest (tradeable) 390+ (1638 k fluxa)
    Bull Dozer 2 (around 340k fluxa
    mounts (from farming) 20+(around 90k flux)
    shadow cache 1k+ (around 400k flux)
    Fragments od Wonder 700+ (130k flux)
    Eclipse key 60+
    adventure chests 770 (around 542k Flux)
    Full stellar (melee, Gun, Bow, Staff, hat, face)
    Tentacle 1,5k+ (61k flux)
    Forged radiant soul 15 (around 90k fluxa)
    pumpkin 3k+ (around 100k Flux)
    Candy Corn 300 (around 180k flux)
    chest with gems 600+
    Class Coin 2
    So when you sell all you can get around 5,8 m flux

    For more information pls contact:
    skeyp : mastera.s
    mail : [email protected]

    (I am selling only the time which I spent to create this account)
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