Notable units:Lunneth(6*) Lightning(6*) Delita(6*) Refia(6*) Cecil(6*) Tilith(4*Level 59) Cloud of Darkness(6*) Chizuru(6*)23%TM,Chizuru(4*) Firion(3*) 2 zidane(tm 0%) 1 Zidane tm(100%) Lenna 5* Ingusx4 Arcx4 Exdeathx4 Lunax6 Lockex3 TMual Wield Only Espers:All of them expect Siren,Shiva,Ramuh are 2*s There are some good units and its a rank 65 acc, On IOS there is 800 lapis on it, while on others there are 0 lapis THIS ACCOUNIT IS LINKED TO A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WITH AROUND 100 FFBE FRIENDS,I REMOVED MOST OF MY RL FRIENDS. Price tag:Add me on skype:seankoh43 to discuss