Sold Selling Selling account 26 toons / 12 Servers + I will pay 2 MONTH of subscrubtion

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by winner_sirius, 12/25/16.

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  1. winner_sirius

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    Selling account 26 toons / 12 Servers + I will pay 2 MONTH of subscrubtion

    415 cc prefered status

    Legacy titles and
    character titles and
    Access to Section X and
    Compantion Customization and
    Hide Head Slot
    Two character slots
    for ACCOUNT

    On every server have Armor boost 25% Helmet + Chest+ Greaves Victorious Pioneer`s

    Every toon have Senya Trainer +

    Have Nico Ocar companion + Nico`s blasters (legacy weapon) + Nico Ocar`s Coat

    Have Digital Upgrade Pack + access to VIp zone on fleet

    Have Kurtob Alliance mount for Account

    EUROPE servers

    Red Eclipse (27 vlv legacy) Ulocked two buffs + fleet datacrone
    65 gyardian
    60 shadow
    55 merc
    55 sorc
    55 gunlinger
    41 vanguard
    48 operative
    33 jug

    Progenitor (unlocked twileck species for this server)
    51 Jug
    51 Scoundrell
    50 Sin
    43 Commando
    25 Powertech

    51 Sorc

    50 Sentinel
    25 Commando

    VenJervalis Chain
    25 Sorc

    Mantle of the Force
    25 Operative

    Battle meditation
    28 Commando

    USA servers
    Jedi Covenant
    55 merc
    55 Sorc

    51 Shadow

    Ebon Hawk
    52 Guardian
    24 Powertech

    Bergen Colony
    50 Jug

    54 Assassin
    12 vanguard

    Cool names without special symbols!

    Have through account:
    Revan Reborn mask
    Volatile Conqueror`s Lightsaber
    Cathar Honor sworld
    Mandalore Ultimate set
    Mandalore the Preserver`s set not bound
    Rangehunter ee-1 rifle
    Vindicator`s lightsaber
    Dla-13 Heavy Blaster rifle
    Max-Tac Precision sniper rifle
    Primordial Assaul Cannon besh
    Whote-Blue-Purple hawkeye Crystal power (account)
    White-Black crystal mastery (on each toon Red Eclipse)
    Rapid Repair Drone toy (whole account)
    Flourish emote, battle plan, Creepy, Search (account) emotes

    and a lot not bound armor, mounts , emoted, titles, weapon , spread between toons in their cargos and in legacy cargos.

    Contact me
    [email protected]
    skype: victor_molot

    PRICE 200 $ (usd) via Western Union or MoneyGram or Sigus(coinstar) or RIA

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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