[$25] How to do your own Clothing Refunds! Save a lot of money, make a lot of money!

Discussion in 'Ebook for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Maximum Max, 12/24/16.

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  1. Maximum Max

    Maximum Max
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    Hello few MPGHer's,

    I am now selling a Clothing Refund eBook! I think it is time you do your own refunds, and save a LOT OF MONEY. I have many thousands of dollars, worth of clothing refunds. $25 Is a very cheap price for this eBook, if you buy $250 worth of clothing and want it refunded then you already spent $25.. on one STORE! After 10.. yes 10 people purchase the eBook the price will raise to $35 each.



    1. Is support provided with this ebook?
    Absolutely add me on skype for help :) Maximusmax0013

    2. Is a lot of work required?
    15-20 minutes on the phone max, unless during holiday season. So not really

    3.Can I sell this eBook again?
    No you can't​

    I will be accepting BTC only for this eBook. Add me on skype at Maximusmax0013.​

    Add me on skype: Maximusmax0013
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