Selling Eu acc with lots of one Time only

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Poulay, 12/24/16.

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  1. Poulay

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    Hey i'm selling my bf acc eu due to a lack of motivation. I just lost the will to play if I may Say.

    Well for the acc,it is approximatively lvl 340 (around),was created 1 or 2 months after the launch. It contains 500 characters including all OTO,except 2 King of fighter and 2 Valkyrie (and the last global exclusiv).
    The others exclusiv i have : Bad lands,most the neoavalon,all shapeshifters etc...
    Got a hell lot of sphères etc
    There are a hell lot of 7 stars characters maxed. But not much OE,as I stopped playing when they came out.
    If u have any questions please msg me and i'll gladly answer.

    I'm asking for 100€ (around this price).
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