Sold $80 - Accounts for Sale lvl60 - 9/9 Twr Gear Ench/Mage

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by savsnoop, 9/11/24.

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  1. savsnoop

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    All toons have tower gear 9/9 and some random other pieces. 95% of vendor spells, not many kunark spells. Asking $100 solid for each account.
    All are level 60
    Shadow Knight - Ogre - SOLD
    $80 - Enchanter - High Elf
    $80 - Mage - High Elf
    $80 - Mage - High Elf - SOLD
    Wizard - High Elf - SOLD
    I have a persona account that has a level 60 Wood Elf Druid and Barb Shaman together. Also has 20 slot teek/tormax bags. 9/9 tower gear. All Kunark/Original spells. Asking $200

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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