Sold HIGH END - 730GS 3xPEN BS | ALL T10 HORSES | x3 TET DEBO | HP/WP Pot | T5 and all T4 Pets

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yoobinxie, 9/10/24.

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  1. Yoobinxie

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    PRICE : $250
    If you are interested,
    Please add me on discord i'm way more active in there!







    Main : Sorc lvl 64 (+70%)

    Magician lvl 64

    All Class lvl 61

    Clorince trunk +16 x 2

    Many classes are positioned on world bosses with full stuff V Tuvala
    32 characters

    X 4 Kabua artifact

    All Set PVP and PVE “Kama,Human,Semi Human
    All set artefact lifeskill

    3xPEN BS (Main weapon ready to convert into “Sovereign” once releases)

    Krogdalo “all T10” and all stuff +7 for all T10 horses

    120 Workers Artisan lvl 40, all relied on Heidel

    Alls outfits for lifeskill
    Venia “Horses
    Pavillia “Alchemy
    Canapé “Cooking
    Agris “Farming
    Venecil “Processing

    The account has big lvl in lifeskill too :)

    Tent P2W

    X8 Cash shop fence

    More 30B for optimisation stuff

    26B in bank, with lots of accessories in stock

    100 days pack value in pearl inventory

    FS : more +30,+40,+50, 70, 80 and more...100 x 8 - 120 x 3 - 150 x 4 - 200 x 1 - 229 x1 - 254 x1

    Loot scroll + 1500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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