I'm selling a BM HM7 (79%) Itms: True siren necklace - stage 10 True siren ring - stage 10 True siren earring - stage 10 Awaken Oathbreaker bracelet - stage 10 True Breeze Sword - stage 9 - 4 slots Dreadtide Sword as skin (you can't drop it and it is 300-600g ) 5 Asura, 3 Twisted ss 1 legendary for pvp with max stats, sparring 7 and ss 2 legendary story is finished It has HM block, and HM lighting draw (form bsh and royal zen bean) 976 achivment points Some photos: http://prntscr.com/dnc8i1 http://prntscr.com/dnc8mc http://prntscr.com/dnc8pr If you want to buy it add me on skype bigm4cintosh Price is : 37-40euros only paypal Have a nice day !