Sold Selling Destroyer lvl 50 hm 8 612 ap and force master 450 ap ser hao district/trade

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kyler1996, 12/23/16.

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  1. Kyler1996

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    Hello i wanna sell my account or trade for a blade master account !! But the blade master it should be created on Hao District or Cardinal Gates or Greenhollow or Spirit s Rest . Group 2

    Here is the screenshot with destroyer and forcemaster : Destroyer is HM 8 and Force master HM6

    My destroyer we have : Galaxy wepon stage 1//// and awakend breez weapon stage 10 !

    And the Destroyer use Ebondrake soulshield and Oblivion ( Desolate Tomb )

    all accesories on destroyer is Othbreaker stage 10 except belt. belt is siren stage 10 and likan pet stage 1 and hongmoon soul stage 1 ( 15 attack power )

    My destroyer screens ^^ : ///

    And my forcemaster we have only 450 ap all accesories is infernal and weapon is Awekend Othbreaker stage 10 .

    If u need more informations contact me on fb :
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