Sold Buying Looking for NA ultra cheap DragonHunter, Druid, Chrono, Tempest

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yugi300, 12/23/16.

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  1. Yugi300

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    -Looking for an NA server (Fort Aspenwood if possible) ultra cheap account with full information that has full elite specialization unlocked Dragon Hunter, Druid, Reaper, Tempest If the account has more elite specs that would be great ie... Chronomancer/Daredevil. :D

    As for the gear I am not too picky, but one of the characters should have at least one backpiece Ascended with zerker stats.

    -There should be decent gold on the account to buy exotic gear and server transfer if the account isn't located in Fort Aspenwood

    -The account should have lots of Laurels (For example 120+) and around 400k karma.

    -If the account has a lvl 80 booster that would be great but not necessary

    -The account should have lots of tomes of knowledge

    -The account has decent map % on the Dragon Hunter and Druid

    The characters (Dragon Hunter and Druid) themselves should be human with the smallest body type/height possible and the rest are the same or Asuran with the smallest body type/height possible. I may be more flexible as long as they fit either of the two race criteria I am looking for and you provide me pictures.

    Looking to buy ultra cheap.
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