Sold Selling Fully geared Thief and Warrior with 5 Legendaries

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by willeh98, 12/23/16.

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  1. willeh98

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    As the title says, im looking to sell my beloved account with a fully geared thief and warrior. Both of them has full ascended and has 5 legendaries. BOLT, HOPE, Incinerator, The Ascension and Eternity.
    I have every class in lvl 80 with the respective HoT specs so you can basically just transfer gear and jump into the battle!
    I'm only showing pictures of the characters when interest is shown. The trade will hopefully be smooth with a middleman or whatever we agrees feels the most comfortable for a nice and easy transaction that pleases both parties.

    Hit me up at skype : williamharstam or you can just type here at the forums.

    Offers starts at 300 euros since the account is very well off and has ALOT of work put into it.

    There is alot of information that im not going to cover here basically because there is too much to write. I can show everything even meet ingame and the acc is EU, Elona Reach i forgot to mention that.

    - - - Updated - - -
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