Sold Selling endgame account

Discussion in 'Dungeons & Dragons DDO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Head Scratcher, 9/8/24.

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  1. Head Scratcher

    Head Scratcher
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    decided to quit the game and planning to sell my account. class completionist,racials, important iconics done (mrr,prr,doublestrike,fortification,dodge and some others) maxed out reaper points, endgame gear mythic/reaper and cursed,max epic lives done, lots of items in it. 9k shards, lasting mp,rp,mrr,prr,usp pots,raid push pots like radiant forcefields, +20 +5 hearts etc, good amount of reaper frags

    build is mostly melee so have mostly melee gear but the account has alot of ingredients/raid runes in it to fully swap to whatever build/class you want.
    also has dc caster gear with good curses

    will also include all the bugs/exploit i know
    for more question/info on the account message me here or on discord at bunnyhopper32

    serious offers only thank you
    #1 Head Scratcher, 9/8/24
    Last edited: 9/12/24
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