Sold $2 each retired item sale!

Discussion in 'Webkinz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Most_Falcon_5142, 9/8/24.

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  1. /u/Most_Falcon_5142

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    Need all of these gone!

    $2 each, if you buy 3, you can get a 4th for just $1! (If you buy 3, you can get 1 more for $1, buy 6, you can get 2 more for $2 ($2 for both!), buy 9, you can get 3 for $3 ($3 for both), etc, etc!)

    So, for example, if you get 6 items you can get 2 more for $1 each/$2 for both, and it would equal to $14 (6 for $2 each, and 2 for $1 each)

    ACCEPTED PAYMENTS: PayPal (F&F or add extra for G&S fees), Venmo, Cashapp

    # #/Most_Falcon_5142
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