Sold Selling CR account $250 CAD ($185 USD)

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Complex-Gene-6730, 9/7/24.

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  1. /u/Complex-Gene-6730

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    9000 trophies (trophy road) 3723 trophies (goblin queen)

    12 elite cards (lvl 15) 10 lvl 14 cards (3 ready to be upgraded to lvl 14)

    83k gold 900 gems 60 emotes 7k wild elite cards 7 different tower skins 77 card decorations 79 card frames

    Evolutions:valk,skeletons,bats,barbarians, mortar,Tesla

    Evo shards: (2/6 battle ram) (3/6 firecracker) (4/6 wall breakers) (2/6 zap) (1/6 royal giant)

    # #/Complex-Gene-6730
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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