Trading Want: Gta5, bf1, nba2k17, iw, rm

Discussion in 'Xbox Live Accounts For Sale - Buy Sell XBOX Account' started by NZ Imortal, 12/22/16.

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  1. NZ Imortal

    NZ Imortal
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    Hey im looking for a gameshare with:
    - Gta 5
    - Battlefield 1
    - NBA 2K17
    - Infinite warfare (remastered is a bonus)

    Willing to trade any of my games.
    I have;
    - Rocket league
    - Ark survival evolved
    - Sunset overdrive
    - Forza 5
    - Advanced Warfare
    - Mortal Kombat XL

    If interested please message me on xbox one
    GT: NZ Imortal
    or pm me. Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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