Please Check this Transaction ID 2003883608. Buyer Selling - #46M [GOLD] FULLY MAXED TH8 (94lvl), 5 builders, King 10 lvl, CHANGE NAME AVAILABLE | Page 6 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Selling - #46M [GOLD] FULLY MAXED TH8 (94lvl), 5 builders, King 10 lvl, CHANGE NAME AVAILABLE | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
Hi. we've asked the middleman to facilitate the transfer of this account from Android to iOS as we're having connection difficulties, and the automated response indicates that you all can help with this. we've provided the information needed. can someone let us know what's next/confirm that you can do the transfer on your side? thanks.