Hello everyone, How much would you estimate this Realm of the Mad God account at? Statistics are around the actual values to keep account hidden. Bound Features 10,000+ Dead Fame 25 Gold White Star (70) 15 Vault Slots 8 Character Slots got avarage amount of skins, but can't see what skins I have because I do not have a empty character slot. Pet ? ? ? ? Pet (Bagston Skin) Heal 84 Magic Heal 79 Electric 6* Maxed Fused (90) Classes Archer 7/8 Wizard 6/8 Paladin 6/8 Warrior 6/8 Priest 6/8 Huntress 6/8 Assassin 6/8 Rogue 6/8 UT'S: It got a few ut's like Doom-Bow's, Demon-Blade's and more, will probably be a ogg/jugg/crown on it when it is for sale. Note that this account is not for sale. but it will be soon enough.