Selling NA boosted accounts lvl 70+, returning players and Void accounts

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Great Wall of China, 12/22/16.

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  1. Great Wall of China

    Great Wall of China
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    I'm going to be selling these accounts cheap
    All characters are lvl 70, some accounts have 3 lvl 70 characters while others have only 2
    Here are a list of the characters and classes I have to offer
    Chung - Iron Paladine
    Chung - DC
    Aisha - Dimension Witch
    Aisha - EM
    Add - Lunatic Pysker
    Ara - Asura
    Ara - Sakra Devanam
    Eve - Code Empress
    Eve - Code: Battle Seraph
    Rose - Freyja (lvl 60 though)
    Elesis - Crimson Avenger
    The other non-boosted account that i'm legit selling (has IM costumes and promo costumes for all the characters, low leveled characters only have some promo pieces, and all skills unlocked including hyperactive skills for all characters excluding RecklessFist)
    Lvl 83 Blame Master
    Lvl 83 Grand Master
    lvl 70 Lunatic Psyker
    lvl 70 Reckless Fist
    Lvl 61 Rune Slayer
    LVL 53 Wind Sneaker
    Lvl 43 Time Tracer
    Lvl 44 Yama Raja
    If You'd like screenshots please message me a [email protected]
    I don't want to post the screenshots here, so i'll privately send you them
    I have Void accounts as well, if you want more info on those email me
    I'll gladly accept ED/KC on NA or a verified Korean Nexon Account and I'll accept paypal as well
    I'll also accept Ain's winter christmas suit <3
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