What to do with 40€ ?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BlueCow, 12/21/16.

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  1. BlueCow

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    Hey guys, (sorry if this isn't the right place) I have recently made 40€ BTC and I'm not sure what I should do with it.

    Should I:

    1. Keep it until I have more to buy something.
    2. Invest it in crypto mining (I have already invested 20€ in this and I think it has potential but I need to invest more).
    3. Gamble it (I'd rather not, haven't had lots of success with that so far)
    4. Invest it in trading or something like that (I don't know much about that)
    5. Build a business with it (for example buying some accounts to promote a page or something)
    6. Other (if you can think of something else)(I'm on Mac so i can't and don't want to use some scammy bots)

    I don't know which option is best so I'd love your feedback and opinion on the question, and also it would be awesome if you could link me to a website or some resources regarding the option you think I should choose.

    Thanks a lot to all of you for your info and feedback ;).
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