Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service Up for sale is a level 45 Base with tons of BPS and Hulls. Tons to play with here. A change of job means I just don't have time to play anymore unfortunately. All relevant information is below. If there is something not listed here that you want to know, PM me and I would be happy to answer any questions. Ships listed below along with Modules status and completed Hull upgrades. All BPS shown in pics along with screenshots of most important ships. VEGA CONFLICT BASE INFO Level 45 1729 Coins Commerce Module IX, 38% to X Ready to relocate SHIPS 1 Javelin 1 Ragnarok MKV 1 Hellfire MKII 1 Vigilante MKV 1 Vigilante 3 Zeal MKV 1 Lance MKIII 2 Lance MKII 1 Lance 3 Hurricane Frigate 1 Komodo MKV 5 Python Cutters 7 Taipans MKIV 1 Covenant Cruiser 2 Heretic Cruiser 1 Corinthian MKII 2 Apoc 1 Revelation MKIV 3 Revelation MKII 3 Revelation 1 Gharial Cutter 6 Broadsword MKIII 1 Trident MKIV 5 Venom MKIII 1 Venom MKII 14 Venom 14 Rancor MKII 1 Nexus 3 Talon Fleets with maxed out Cargo Countless Genesis, Exodus, Rancors MODULES Bridge V Fleet Bay XI Ship Factory, Ship Lab, Tech Lab, Arms Lab all X Workshop VIII Combat Modules all X Mines all V Storage all at X AntiMatter at at V Note: Most miners have been decommissioned or are at lowest possible level HULL UPGRADES COMPLETED All Rebel Ships Condor to MKV Destiny to MK III Apoc to MKV to MKV Dread to MKV Gharial to MK V Ragnarok to MKV Eagle to MKIII Corinthian to MKIV Lance to MKV Zeal to MKV Komodo to MKV Valkyrie to MKII Hurricane to MKV Heretic to MK V Machete to MKIV Vigilante to MKV Python to MKV Covenant to MKIV Hellfire to MKV Taipan to MKIV Javelin to MKII Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
Huge price drop. If you're looking for an account, you'll have a tough time finding one with this much at this price. I've put in many many times this much in creating it. Grab it while you can and immediately jump into high level play.