[Release] BasicGlow - Glow and Radar #

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JustSomePwner, 12/21/16.

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  1. JustSomePwner

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    Latest build version: 20-12-2016
    Status: Undetected

    A basic glow # that will show enemies and teammates.
    Includes a radar # that makes enemies visible on your radar.

    It's made with efficiency and low CPU usage in mind (using structs and more), and written completely in C++
    With scrambling and junk code!
    This means that it should hopefully stay undetected for a while, as each new version will be largely different.

    Screenshot: i.imgur .com/tlb5r53.jpg
    for all the kids that don't know what a glow # is...

    virustotal.com/file/f2492435262165b9d633e31f884a69dd0cbf5fdfacf770659f 839de08cfd12cc/analysis/1482265290/
    (Sorry for broken links, I can't post actual links)
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