Selling *4383 Prestige* 236k Rating - Rhino 5* duped 4/5

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ristic, 12/20/16.

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  1. Ristic

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    Excellent opportunity to get a top end account. Have been playing since release and just time to move on.

    I will list some of the highlights, please contact through:
    *Line App for pictures and more info (user id iz1u1)

    Current prestige: 4383, you can get into just about any alliance you would like.

    181 champs in total, right at 236k rating.

    8 - 5* star champs with 9,000 shards waiting, top champ rhino at signature level 71. Beast for AW! Many 5* Sig stones in stash.

    56 - 4* champs, 14 of which are fully leveled at 5/50. Many are high level dupes, Scarlet Witch and Ultron both at dupe level 99. 15 more of the 4*'s are at 4/40 just waiting to go to max level.

    Great characters for either AQ or AW. Doctor Strange, Black widow, and WWII Captain America at 5/50 just to name a few. Pulled Unstoppable Colossus from Alliance crystal and nearly have enough Alliance chips to dupe him. Also have the rare 4* Punisher duped!

    1.6 million gold, over 1,433 units and over 1,500 items in stash waiting to be used or sold for more gold. Lots of tier 4 catalysts both basic and class specific for your choice of taking up characters to 5/50 right away.

    Seasoned Summoner title, nearly 38,000 PVP fights, have cleared ROL, RtLOL and all Story Quests.

    Serious inquiries only please. Asking $400 USD but am willing to take offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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