Selling Selling Unicorn Account, Slaves, Items

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pancakefinder, 12/20/16.

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  1. pancakefinder

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    A total of 4 accounts on Unicorn.

    The first has 6 slaves that have completed all quests and are 160 (some higher) and can enter RoA. The account includes void mage, oracle, war kahuna, magus, beast master, and deadeye.

    The second account has 5 slaves which are all 160 except one (some higher) which include master breeder (for pet lvling slave), marksman, corrupter, cardinal, and another oracle (this one is 153).

    For the 2 above accounts I almost completed all the PW buff pieces except for some minor buffs. Also, all slaves have +5/6 skill cards.

    The third account is/was my main account which includes a 181, and some 170s, 164. All are master class and have done all TP quests. I didn't bother listing the classes because I have a bunch of event rebirth scrolls so you can just rebirth them. I made 6 chars that are all different races and classes so most likely you won't need to rebirth. Also, I have event name change scrolls on this account so you won't need to spend much if you wanted to use the account. I only started playing around June 2015 so the chars have event items dating back to then. Nothing from previous accounts because well... it wasn't made then lol. 2 sets of primal deco (sadly missing the boots).

    The fourth account are mostly 160s void mage, merc, deadeye, and corruptor. It was just an account I used to level up some friends, guildies, slaves, ect. I rarely log them in as well so they should be anonymous for the most part.

    Now as for the items I have for sale are mostly mage/merc stuff. I can do a lower deal if you buy the account and items together.
    +25 cc lbow (5% agi/dex)
    Perfect Enhancement Transfer Scroll (so you can use the above +25 bow to transfer to the new weaps)
    +21 cc 2h staff
    +21 170 1h staff
    +22 cc mw
    +21 cc mw
    +22 cc 2h mace
    +24 ruthless helm/UG helm
    +23 PW cyclone lord armor 4 slots
    +22 PW cyclone lord glove/boot all 3 slots
    3 GK s3 healers with different unities for different situational uses (uni+drill bot, uni+undine, double undine, and something)
    6 slot anessa/beneficial gaia/physical deva
    1x Physical Lumi Wings
    1x Magical Lumi Wings
    A bunch of +5/6/7 skill cards for Magus, Merc, Marksman
    1x Server transfer scroll (still in item box)
    3x s1 mino belt pets
    3x s1 wd belt pets
    1x s1 drillbot belt pet
    2x s1 ogre belt pet
    3x s2 cerbs belt pet
    1x s2 undine belt pet
    2x s5 unicorn belt pet
    2x s5 nightmare belt pet
    2x s5 yeti belt pet
    2x s1 baphomet belt pet
    (like a bunch of belt pets tbh on my mb slave but those are the main ones people want nowadays)
    ~40b rupees
    Also like 30 epros, 1 erep, 10 acd, 2 acs
    There's probably some other stuff I might have left out so if you're interested just contact me. I lost interest as friends started logging in less and well the content isn't that satisfying anymore. And f the private server.

    Preferred contact through whatsapp so comment/pm and I'll contact you.
    Also, if you have rp or an account on LoL NA I can do trades that way too.
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