[Release] Change Scope

Discussion in 'Subnautica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xitan244, 12/20/16.

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  1. xitan244

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    Find the scope offset

    DWORD AWM_V = *(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)(WeaponMgr)+0xCB0);
    DWORD AWM = *(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)(WeaponMgr)+0x1BC);
    for (int x = 0; x < 0x9FFF; x++)
    if (*(DWORD*)(AWM_V + x) == 2 && *(DWORD*)(AWM + x) == 0)
    Scope_type = x;
    Main #
    if ((*(BYTE*)(Weapon + WeaponClass) = WeaponType::Sniper))
    switch (Scope)
    case 0: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = Scope_type_old; break;
    case 1: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 0; break; // AWM
    case 2: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 1; break; // 3Z
    case 3: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 2; break; // AWM VIP
    case 4: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 3; break; // 3Z Born Best
    case 5: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 11; break; // 3Z Iron shark
    case 6: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 7; break; // Mosin
    case 7: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 4; break; // Target
    case 8: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 6; break; // New Target
    case 9: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 9; break; // Missle Target
    case 10: *(int*)(Weapon + Scope_type) = 10; break; // Dragunov
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