Selling WoW, OW, D3 RoS, Hearthstone account up for sale

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BrixtonSKG, 12/20/16.

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  1. BrixtonSKG

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    Only account owner, selling due to recent financial situation. Do take the time to look through and let me know if interested. I will entertain offers for now I don't have a firm price as of yet. Will do MM, Paypal Friends and Family, you go first.

    Located on a High Population PvP Server
    110 Tauren Paladin

    100 Undead Mage

    Tons of more Level 100's and ALT's that aren't mentioned for the sake of the post. Will give more links upon request. I have spent a lot of time leveling characters,acquiring rare mounts, achievements etc.
    CM GOLD 9/9 Completed for the rare XMOG weapons and various rare mounts like the Ashes of A'lar.

    Overwatch account with 20 Legendaries plus various other skins,etc. Ranked in Season 1 and 2 Diamond.
    Diablo 3 RoS paragon 600
    Hearthstone included 2 expansions and a lot of cards.

    Contact me through email Fastest way to get a hold of me, [email protected]
    Thank you for your time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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