Sold [Offer] NA starter account with meta supports, Oberon, Arcueid, Melusine and limited summer...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/andrepogi, 8/27/24.

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  1. /u/andrepogi

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    Offering NA starter account with the following SSRs:

    • Altera, Artoria Pendragon, Melusine (Lancer), Castoria, Skadi (Caster), Merlin, Light Koyanskaya, Osakabehime, Arcueid and Oberon.

    CEs include: MLB'd Honey Lake, MLB'd Ocean Flyer, 3 Fragments of 2030, 2 Black Grails, 2 Prisma Cosmos, 3 Volumens, 2 Heaven's Feels and a Kaleidoscope.

    SQ is 442 with 34 tickets and 10 Rare Prisms.

    Images here:

    Friend code: 642,848,064

    Free SSR ticket still available, birthday unset.

    Payment is via Paypal FnF. Price is any price you want to offer, contact me if interested.

    # #/andrepogi
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