I’ve got account in Diablo immortal for sale. Unfortunately I don’t have time to play so I want someone who has time to have this account. 38k WB 3.4k Resonance 401 paragon Armor 3.6k Armor pen 3.6k Potency 3.9k Resistance 2.6k Legendary Gems: 5/5* Rank 6 - spiteful blood -4/5* Rank 5 - starfire shard -4/5* Rank 5 - bottled hope -3/5* rank 5 - blessing of the worthy -3/5* rank 5 - rolling consequence -3/5* rank 6 - siping bile -3/5* Rank 4 - blood soaked jade -2/5* Rank 5 - gloom cask -2* Rank 10 - mothers lament -2* Rank 10 - pain clasp - 2* Rank 6 - vipers bite(In proces to reach rank 10) -1* rank 10 - everlasting torment 1 topaz rank 7 in equipment. 1 Almost rank 6 sapphire. ESSENCES: On account there are LEVEL 4 essence reached on wizzard, necromancer, crusader, blood knight, demon hunter, barbarian. LEVEL 3 reached on monk. Didn’t played Tempest so far so there is no essences on him. SKINS There is legendary skin on the account Prophets Progeny Armor which aplies to all classes in the game. A lot of skins for blood knight, necromaner. Rest of classes got 2-3 skins each. FAMILY BONUSES All items got same family bonus which is Vengeance(good for classes who use primary attach) you can see screenshot of bonuses of one item. All 8 items have the same bonus. Price: 500$ fixed Pls if interested just message me here