Sold [USA] [H] Pokemon Black version 2, Nintendo Switch games, 3DS games, PS4 games, Halo...

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/SuperiorArty, 8/20/24.

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  1. /u/SuperiorArty

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    Hello! I had a some games that I’m looking to offload at the moment. Please comment before PMing. Feel free to ask for images. Prices not shipped unless stated otherwise. If a game is pictured but not listed, it is no longer available

    Pokemon Black 2 (CiB and authentic): $155

    Switch (All CiB)

    Power A Pokémon Espeon Themed Wireless GameCube controller (NiB): $75

    The Lost Child (CiB): $115

    Blossom Tales (CiB w/ card): $130

    Scott Pilgrim vs the World (BB retail edition, NiB. 2x copies): $25 each

    Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles (2x available): $21 each

    3DS (All CiB)

    Dragon Ball Fusions: $40

    Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney: $110


    Spartan: Total Warrior (missing manual): $20

    Xbox 360:

    Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (CiB): $70

    Just Dance 2019: $30

    Naruto: Broken Bond (Missing Manual): $35

    PS4, I have:

    Lego Dimensions (Just the game, no portal): $20

    PS4 back button attachment (NiB): $15

    Also have Def Jam; Fight for NY for PSP loose, asking $60


    Digimon World (No Manual): $50

    Gex CiB: $20

    For Xbox One, I have:

    Skylanders Swap Force and Superchargers bundle: $40 shipped

    Monster Prom XXL (digital): $5

    Halo 5 Guardian (Xbox One, Digital): $10

    Halo Infinite Rockstar AR skin + 2x XP: $10

    Halo Infinite Rockstar Warthog Skin + 2x XP: $15

    Halo Infinite Rockstar Emblem + 2x XP: $5

    # #/SuperiorArty
    # .
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