Sold Selling Level 57 Expert to Master Arena Account

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Seolace, 12/19/16.

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  1. Seolace

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    Due to a big enough interest loss in the game over the month, I've decided to put this account up for sale.
    Would rather someone who still enjoys the game have ownership over it instead of simply uninstalling the game
    and let the account go to waste. I'll continue to work on the account until I'm able to sell it, so any changes will be edited here.

    Level: 57
    Gold: 3m+
    Keys: 1,644
    Rubies: 1,978
    Topaz: 257
    Hero Slots: 144

    4L/Emperors :
    Ace+5 lvl 40 with 3 extra copies for future use
    Wukong+5 lvl 40
    Rin+5 lvl 36
    Lubu+5 lvl 36
    Teo+5 lvl 32
    Karma+5 lvl 30

    7K Heroes:
    Jave+5 lvl 40
    Eileene+5 lvl 38
    Rudy+5 level 38
    Dellons+5 lvl 36
    Rachel+5 lvl 34
    Kris lvl 30
    Spike lvl 30

    Other Level 40 Heroes:
    Black Rose+5
    Ming Ming+5
    Da Qiao+5

    Other 6 Star Heros Under 40:
    Daisy+5 lvl 38
    Pascal+5 lvl 36
    Bai Jiao+5 lvl 36 ( with 3 extra copies )
    Bai Long+5 lvl 36
    Soi+5 lvl 36 ( with 1 extra copy )
    Ruri+5 lvl 36 ( with 1 extra copy )
    Karon+5 lvl 38
    Asura lvl 30 ( with 5 extra copies )

    3* Light x2, Dark x2, Fire

    If interested, just pm me here on playerup . I'm looking for at least $150 for the account, but is willing to negotiate. Will check daily until it's sold.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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