Item Condition price notes Felicia Blue PSP 2000 (console only) Good $65 screen is yellowing and going out, UMD drive works, screen has small deep scratch Felicia Blue PSP 2000 (console only) Good $65 screen is yellowing, UMD drive works(squeaks when loading up) Felicia Blue PSP 2000 (console only) Heavily used $55 heavily dented on back with deep scratches. the screen has some scratches and UMD drive doesn't work Mint Green PSP 2000 (console only) Okay $65 UMD works, Missing silver ring (waiting on a new one in the mail) Body is yellowed. White PSP 2000 (console only) Heavily used $60 UMD drive works Has some screen yellowing, body is yellowed and scratched Black PSP 3000 (console only) Good $65 Small splotch on left side of screen UMD works (squeaks when loading up)# #/taliahmarih # .