Sold [Trading] Blade and Soul - Ruins of Khanda Vihar – New Legendaries - Get all tradable items

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PlayerAuctions, 12/19/16.

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  1. PlayerAuctions

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    Blade and Soul - Ruins of Khanda Vihar – New Legendaries - Get all tradable items

    Blade and Soul

    Blade and Soul is becoming a fan-favourite MMORPG games. It is essentially for people who enjoy dabbling in the martial arts and adventure category. You get to choose between four races at the start of the game - Gon, Jin, Kun or Lyn - and then you can customise your character according to your specifications. This is a popular aspect of the game, the customisation techniques are one of the most extensive ever created. People enjoy the way they can customise and operate the wardrobe collection - the only thing better than punching someone is punching someone whilst dressed to the nines.

    There were some middling reviews for this game at first. Some players who tried it felt like the game environment was outdated, but many players don't want to try it simply because they are too invested in other games. Another reason is that a lot of players are heavily attached to fast-paced action MMOs.

    Recently, however, more good comments about the game have emerged from the woodwork. Players have called the combat system a 'breath of fresh air in the MMO market' and the Player vs Player and Player vs Environment systems "highly developed" and "constantly being expanded"

    The majority of people consider the graphics excellent. Also the fact that it is free to play is definitely an advantage to the game. And whilst most find the quests uninspired, the combat more than makes up for it. It's not one of those games where you can win by 'clicking' really fast - there is a certain amount of skill required to get somewhere in the game.

    Blade and Soul Gold

    However, as with most free to play games, there's always a catch. As most of you know, for Blade and Soul, gold is the currency. And while with some games you can get away with not having any of the currency, for most hardcore gamers - and for those of us that are really competitive - that simply isn't an option.

    Blade & Soul gold isutilised in many activities in the game but it's mainly used for upgrading your weapons. The crafting system for Blade and Soul requires that you purchase, acquire or build materials. Now obviously it's gonna take ages to build or acquire all the materials you need, which is where Blade & Soul gold comes into play.

    Now wewould of course recommend that you buy BnS gold, but if you insist on acquiring it, there are a few places you can find it. Firstly, bns gold is most commonly found in the dungeons. The monsters in the daily dungeons drop a lot of gold and it's fairly easy to pick up. The second way to acquire gold is to use the crafting system. It's simple to use the open market to sell items you have crafted. And the last place to acquire gold is the Auction House. How that works - for those of you who don't know - is you can auction off any valuable you come across in the game. The trick to obtaining the most Blade and Soul gold is to find an item that is high in demand but in low supply.

    As mentioned previously, many people prefer to buy Blade and Soul gold. There are tons of websites you canvisit to gold as it's quite a popular game. Which means there are also tons of scams out there, so it's very important to steer clear of any shady websites and to find one that protects you. An excellent example of a legitimate website would be ours,

    Buy Blade and Soul Gold on playerup is exactly what it sounds like - a place players sell to other players. The advantages of thisis that you aren't buying directly from a website so the prices are lower than what you would normally pay. We have a great system in place for buyers and sellers and we have effectively found a way to protect both parties using an escrow system - similar to eBay's. We have live customer support and an active online community. With over 400,000 members, you will be sure to find great deals and opportunities for sales.

    To buy blade and Soul gold you simply have to choose the offer you want and click 'buy now'. Checkout is fast, easy, effective and safe and we have a great mechanism in place called PlayerGuardian which protects you, the buyer. You can also check out our 5 tier 'Power Seller' system. Basically, if you're a bitsceptical towards buying from just anyone, you can view their 'reputation' on the site. 'Power Sellers' are verified sellers, which should give you more peace of mind for your first purchase.

    Another thing we love about our site is that it's great for the sellers too! There are no registration fees to become a seller, and it's completely free. Sellers costs are cut down dramatically compared to other sites. We think it's pointless to belong to a whole bunch of different sites to make purchases for different games. doesn't only deal with Blade and Soul gold, you can buy and sell multiple game assets on the site for various popular games. So happy trading!
    #1 PlayerAuctions, 12/19/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/16/18
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