Sold [EU] AWAK MUSA 653 GS ,INF POTION, MAXED FAIRY, T4 PETS, P2W TENT, 700LS [FA] - Special Account

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ashiabtsj, 8/3/24.

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  1. ashiabtsj

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Account has:
    * Classes (18 class!)
    * Gear (GS 653)
    * Fairy (Perfect)
    * Infinite POT
    * Maids (22)
    * Pets 10 (5 T4)
    * P2W Tent
    * Storage , Different Stuff ( +700 Loot Scroll , Premium Stuff )
    * Progression Pass
    * Energy , Contribution Points
    *Adventure Log Books (FINISHED ALL 15)
    Start with Classes
    you can see all levels & all classes + all of them are done and made to make life easier with World Bosses (All of them) or whatever you wanna do with them
    GEAR (653 GS)
    Awak Musa (Main)
    Vell's Heart
    Distorted Fallen God's Armor
    PEN: Ring of Crescent Guardian
    PEN: Capotia Ring
    Marsh's Artifact - Extra AP Against Monsters
    PEN: Bheg's Gloves (C4 Level)
    PEN: Moonlit Capotia Necklace
    PEN: Nouver Weapon (Sup Weapon)
    PEN: Dandelion Weapon (Caphra 0 Level) > Awakening Weapon
    TET: Kazarka Weapon (Main Weapon)
    PEN: Capotia Belt
    PEN: Urugon's Sheos (C4 Level)
    Lesh's Artifact - Monster Damage Reduction
    TET: Narc Ear Accessory
    TET: Narc Ear Accessory
    PEN: Griffon's Helmet (C6 Level)
    +11 Manos Riding Crop
    +700 Loot Scroll (NOT only those in down picture in Family, +60 other scroll among different Classes Inventories)

    If you want to see more hit me up!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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