Sold (JP) I want to trade my op jp account for another with Noctis

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ven444, 12/18/16.

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  1. Ven444

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    EDIT: I'll also take any good global accounts with a noctis with high attack and good additional units
    Hey, guys, I've been playing for a while, but I'm starting to lose my fun with the game. All I've wanted since starting brave exvius was noctis, and I feel like getting a nice jp account with Noctis would help to rejuvenate my fun and love for the game.
    -What I WANT: a dual wield tmr, Noctis(obviously), Tilith (or another good healer like refia), a good tank like wol(or cecil or someone...

    (JP) I want to trade my op jp account for another with Noctis
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